Our Spirits are the Ultimate Testament to Our Perseverance and Radical Creativity.
Eric and Ian Michaud believe in working hard for what you want. They come by this philosophy honestly, having watched their parents struggle through good times and bad, persevering to build a life for their family.
Liquid Riot Bottling Company was established on the waterfront in Portland’s Old Port, just blocks from City Hall and the location of the Portland Rum Riot, in homage to those that fought for their beverage of choice.
At the Liquid Riot distillery each small batch of our spirits is uniquely hand crafted using ingredients from the land, fermentations from the brewery, and finally concoctions in the distillery. All of these aspects are eternally connected in a twisting continuous loop. So too are our spirits, from raw ingredients to the dram in your glass, and the infinite possibilities in mixing your cocktail of choice.
At Liquid Riot, visitors are invited to taste, smell, pour, watch, and learn. The openness, transparency, and pseudo-interactiveness invites everyone to experience and participate in the process of creating quality. It’s about communal collaboration: letting the people into your process, and becoming a part of theirs. It’s showing the possible in what no one thought to do before. It’s the ultimate testament to perseverance, to openness, to radical creativity.
Liquid Riot is simultaneously a playground, a theater, and an homage to history, both personal and national. As our American forebears, circa 1855, fought for their right to drink what and when they wanted in Chicago’s Lager Beer Riot and the Portland Rum Riot – Liquid Riot reminds us daily that to pursue quality — nay, to demand quality — is the most righteous pursuit of all.
Liquid Riot Bottling Co.
250 Commercial St
Portland ME 04101
(207) 221-8889